Frutas Silvestres

Morango, Amora, Framboesa, Uva

With one twist of the cap, uncover flavors of black and red raspberries effortlessly mixed with strawberries in this cool and tart Tampico Punch. Tenderly sweet, Tampico Berry Punch is the perfect jam-packed beverage for any occasion.

Por que é tão gostoso?

  1. Mistura de sabores de morango, amora, framboesa e uva
  2. Zero açúcar
  3. Baixo em calorias
  4. Rico em vitamina C
  5. Sem gordura
  6. Sem glúten
  7. Beba gelado ou com gelo para um sabor ideal

Sobre Frutas Silvestres

Providing 100% daily value of vitamin C per serving, Tampico Berry Punch delights your taste buds with our irresistible flavor. Whether as an addition to morning breakfast or as an afternoon snack, Tampico in the fridge will keep everyone satisfied. At only 30 calories and 6 grams of sugar per serving, Tampico Berry Punch delivers on flavor!

With Tampico, every moment starts with a sip and ends with a smile. From our classic punches to our zero sugar varieties, and even to our fruit and veggie juice drink blends, Tampico has something delicious for everyone!